Classes at The Tinnery
While the main campus on Wolf Road in Grass Valley is being built, Wolf Craft School and Collective secured a location to offer craft classes and workshops in Downtown Nevada City at The Tinnery.

A School of Creativity
Wolf Craft is a place that fosters creativity, helping people practice traditional crafts. Independent art and craft schools around the world are unified by the goal of helping people learn methods of making, develop new skills and advance their mastery in specific areas and media. Art and Craft Schools go beyond academic curriculum by providing valuable education in skills and trades that might otherwise have faded from our modern culture.

Where We Embrace Craft & Skill
Wolf Craft is more than just a school for classic arts and crafts. We envision a place that grows over time to include broader skills and other essential fieldcraft courses. We imagine pop-up workshops, hosting guest instructors from various trades and inviting inspired speakers to share what they’ve learned over the years, and continually evolving our learning experiences.

Our Call to Stewardship
Owning land in the California mountains comes with a responsibility to protect and defend the beautiful place we call home. We have an obligation to create a place that minimizes the risk to ourselves and the surrounding community. We fortify the land’s natural strengths and offset its weaknesses. We cultivate a landscape to defend against drought and fire by designing and building conscientious metal structures and by using the water that flows through the land, which shields us from loss. A diversity of plant species with a focus on native plants, alongside animals such as alpacas, sheep, goats and chickens, help to foster a healthy ecosystem.

Design in Harmony with Nature
Inspired by the land, we believe that everything built on the site should be harmonious, thoughtful and sustainable. We design and locate our structures so that they blend in with the natural landscape and minimize the visual and environmental impact. Architecture is meant to complement the land by creating beautiful and enticing spaces. We use natural materials that reflect the local history and vernacular.

Growing into the Future
The school is on agricultural land, it's intended to grow; to nourish and create sustenance for the community, for generations. We intend to keep that tradition with a modest farm, greenhouses, animals and a bit of livestock. Together the Wolf Craft Farm will continue to produce and give back to us all.
Wolf Craft School
Wolf Craft is a school first and foremost. A place of collective learning. We intend to use our land to create a place where people can come, share and learn from others. We want to pass down traditions of the arts and crafts.
Driving down Wolf Road, you will see very little of Wolf Craft. Tucked into the hillside, in trees, our corten steel structures blend in seamlessly with the terracotta soil.

Classroom Workshops
These two workshop spaces are where we conduct many of our classes. They are nestled among the trees, hidden from view of the road below and overlook a large pond.
Class Offerings
Wolf Craft is multi-disciplinary school and creative collective. We strive to be diverse, our main disciplines will be Ceramics, Blacksmithing, Woodworking and Fiber Arts. Earth, Metal, Wood and Fiber are the fundamental pillars of our culture and this is a place to explore their uses.
Craft Classes
Fiber Arts

A Home for Animals
Our Barn is more than a utility space, it's heart of our farm. A building that flexes to meet the needs of Wolf Craft. It houses our animals and stores essential equipment. We will have Alpacas and Sheep for wool, Chickens for eggs and Goats to keep the weeds down.
A Living Farm

Nourishing Body & Mind
Wolf Craft is place to replenish ourselves. Through nature, food and knowledge. We will provide meals for our students.
Food & Beverages
Fresh Ingredients
Shared Meals
Prepared Onsite

Stay with Us
We want to extend the invitation to our students to stay with us. We plan to have tent-cabins delicately set in the trees so our guests can enjoy several days to explore their crafts and enjoy the beauty of the foothills.
Curated Stays
Wild Lodging
Private Settings
Project Status
We went before the Planning Commission, and only 4 of the 5 Commissioners were present. The vote was 2-2, which means we didn't get the majority vote we needed for our Use Permit.
After appealing to the Board of Supervisors, we received the Use Permit with a 4-1 favorable vote.
We believe arts and crafts are a vital part of the rural landscape. It will serve the community and bring visitors that will enjoy the area and will boost revenue in the local economy. We are grateful the Board of Supervisors saw and supported our vision.
Next up is finalizing the site details, fundraising and building the school! In the meantime, we've secured a space in Downtown Nevada City at The Tinnery to start hosting craft classes. Sign up for the newsletter to get the class schedule.